


About Malachi Barton Malachi Barton is a talented young actor known for his impressive performances on both the big and small screens. Born on March 10, 2007, in Virginia, USA, Barton discovered his passion for acting at a very young age. His breakthrough role came in 2015 when he was cast as Beast Diaz in the hit Disney Channel series “Stuck in the Middle.” Since then, Barton has been captivating audiences with his charm, natural talent, and ability to bring characters to life. He has also appeared in popular TV shows like “The Young and the Restless” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” showcasing his versatility as an actor. With his infectious energy and undeniable talent, Malachi Barton is undoubtedly a rising star in the entertainment industry, and fans eagerly await his future projects. Series standard on the performance Stuck in the Middle in the position of Beast Diaz. He has also been…